Uvalde Memorial Hospital | UMHealthy | December 2019

830-261-3984 umhtx.org/events UMHEALTHY is published as a commu- nity service for the friends and patrons of UVALDE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, 1025 Garner Field Road, Uvalde, TX 78801. Also be sure to visit us at umhtx.org . Connect with us on Facebook facebook.com/uvaldememorial December 2019 Information in UMHEALTHY comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or ques- tions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your healthcare provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. 2019 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Hospital happenings Uvalde Memorial Hospital Facebook page: @uvaldememorial Website: umhtx.org/events Email: k.radicke@umhtx.org Phone: 830-261-3984 Information for each event can be found via: JOIN US ACOMPÁÑENOS Heartsaver Course: Thursday, Dec. 12 • 8 AM to 4:30 PM Thursday, Jan. 9 • 8 AM to 4:30 PM UMH Education Center Childbirth Class: Saturday, Dec. 14 and Jan. 11 • 9 AM UMH Holmgreen Conference Room Diabetes Class: Friday, Jan. 10 • 8 AM to 1 PM UMH Holmgreen Conference Room BLS Class: Thursday, Jan. 2 • 8 AM to 1 PM UMH Education Center Register today! Regístrese hoy! Get your flu vaccine NOW so you’re protected when you need it. Vaccinate. Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Having diabetes requires you to pay closer attention to what you eat. Maybe the most important type of food to consider is carbo- hydrates, or carbs. Carbs are turned into glucose (blood sugar) in the body. That’s why people talk about “carb counting.” You want to keep track of how many carbs you eat at any meal. Here’s an example of a good, nutritious meal plan: > > Limit 1 ⁄ 4 of your plate to starchy vegetables (potatoes) or whole grains (brown rice). > > Fill half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables (like leafy greens). > > Use the remaining 1 ⁄ 4 for protein (like fish or chicken). Sources: American Diabetes Association; American Heart Association Tener diabetes requiere que preste más atención a lo que come. Tal vez el tipo de alimento más importante a tener en cuenta sean los carbohidratos. Los carbohidratos se convierten en glucosa (azúcar en sangre) en el cuerpo. Por eso las personas hablan de “contar carbohidratos”. Es importante llevar un registro de la cantidad de carbo- hidratos que come en todas las comidas. Este es un ejemplo de un buen plan de comidas nutritivo: > > Limite la cuarta parte del plato a verdu- ras ricas en almidón (papas) o cereales integrales (arroz integral). > > Llene la mitad del plato con verduras que no contengan almidón (como verduras de hoja verde). > > Use la cuarta parte restante para pro- teína (como pescado o pollo). Count carbs to control blood sugar Cuente los carbohidratos para controlar su nivel de azúcar en sangre Fuentes: American Diabetes Association; American Heart Association Nearly EVERYONE 6 months or older should get a yearly flu vaccine. It takes 2 WEEKS for the flu vaccine to be fully effective. #FlexYourDefense